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VAF – Voigt Armaturenfabrik
Special supplier for gas and water works
The product range of Voigt fittings factory covers fittings for gas and water for house connections and connections of different pipe systems. For gas or water service connections quality and safety of the used fittings are vital. Voigt fittings ensured by the most modern CNC manufacturing techniques high precision and thus a high safety standard.

Weld-on safety T fittings, weld-on safety valve-T, weld-on safety valve-T with PE socket, DAV440 (pressure tapping valve), material transitions St / PE, GAS-HEK compact (gas house entry combination), gas blower (F2)
Look out for the H2ready logo on the approved products.
Quality assurance
For gas or water fittings high quality and safety of the used fittings are indispensable.
Fittings are left in the ground for decades and must continue to fulfill all requirements.
Permanent and extensive in-house quality control ensures this at VAF.
The company has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 (PDF)
A large number of products have been type-tested and have DVGW certificates (PDF)
Regular external monitoring by the TÜV and DVGW test laboratories ensures an independent assessment.
Successful prequalifications by customers, such as eon, the high quality standard of VAF prove beyond.
Meet our team
In der ganzen Zeit der Firmenhistorie legt die Familie Blom wert auf eine kontinuierliche und solide Stärkung der VAF.
Durch stetiges Wachsen des Lieferprogramms und der Komplettierung der Systeme war und ist Voigt – Armaturen nach wie vor expansiv aufgestellt.
Another growth is thus permanently in the focus of the company.